Baby Zoe's Newborn Shoot – 25th August 2017

What an awesome little family Miss Zoe has been born into! I had so much fun capturing this newborn shoot.

Cassandra and Blake are such fun, relaxed parents and it’s clear to see their two daughters are their world. Like most toddlers, big sister Ally is full of confidence and zest for life and had me smiling the entire time and she chatted away and played with her baby sister, whether Zoe was awake or not… so much love!

And as for Zoe, well, you couldn’t have asked for a more perfect newborn she was just devine! She slept. She fed. She enjoyed cuddles. She was just so content. She has the most beautiful features and lips that will no doubt make others jealous of in her lifetime!

The one thing, as always, that I love most about family shoots like this one, is the connection and loving relationships that are highlighted. I leave afterwards with a happy heart to have witnessed such beautiful bonds and families keeping it real. I love the honesty of the lifestyle approach to photography and the ability to capture such beautiful memories for families in the comfort of their own homes at these special times in their lives.

Capturing a new little person and their existence into the world is an absolute privilege. How fortunate I am.

Thank you so much for today. That was the most relaxed I have ever seen Blake for photos. I also think being at home was an awesome idea. Carla, the photos are beautiful. Thank you so much for giving us this memory to last a lifetime. xx
— Cassandra Veldman